
【酒店Staycation優惠】香港8大必去五星級酒店 [travel]

香港Staycation當然要盡情享受與別不同的體驗,五星級酒店 Staycation 就提供了最奢華體貼的服務、設施及美食。為大家精選了8大必去五星級酒店,優惠還低至3折!試試五星級奢華酒店的 Staycation,感受5星級的服務及設施,品嘗星級美食,欣賞醉人景色!

1. 香港港麗酒店



2. 香港文華東方酒店


地址: 中環干諾道中5

3. 置地文華東方酒店


地址: 中環皇后大道中15


香港四季酒店與中環國際金融中心(IFC)相連,酒店鄰近維港,大多客房都擁有落地玻璃窗,坐擁落地維港海景,豪華海景房更可以180度飽覽太平山及維港美景。香港四季酒店的泳池是無邊際泳池 Infinity Pool,在黃昏或者晚上邊暢泳,邊聽音樂,邊觀賞香港璀璨夜色,簡直是人生一大享受!

地址: 中環金融街8


奕居位於香港金鐘,由著名建築師傅厚民設計,房間讓你盡情欣賞維多利亞港或香港繁華城市的天際線景觀。室內設計現代化,低調奢華有氣派。你可以在49Café Gray Deluxe邊飽覽香港維多利亞港口迷人風景,邊品嚐美味歐式餐飲,更可於同樓的Café Gray Bar享用各式紅酒、香檳和雞尾酒,享受愜意的Staycation時光。

地址: 金鐘金鐘道88



地址: 中環紅棉路22


走奢華路線的香港瑰麗酒店,坐落於尖沙咀維多利亞港海景第一排。瑰麗酒店七成以上的房型都可以欣賞維多利亞港景色,安坐房內都可以坐擁維港醉人景色,吸引了不少名人和KOL入住打卡。房間裡的浴缸也是人氣拍照場景,全雲石色調浴室絕對會令一眾雲石控瘋狂!無邊際泳池 Infinity Pool 也是瑰麗酒店一大賣點,靜靜觀賞無敵維多利亞海景,感受在繁華鬧市中難得的寧靜一刻。

地址:香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道 18


2019年全新開幕的奢華酒店式住宅K11 ARTUS,矗立於尖沙咀海濱,客房均擁有設備齊全的小廚房和私人陽台,讓客人俯瞰維多利亞港及香港島壯麗天際線。每間客房的設計都自成一格,家具佈置各有特色,更設有獨立的起居區。酒店設有無邊際泳池讓你盡情打卡,是罕見集空間與私隱於一身的匠心寓館,日夜盡享愜意舒心的住宿體驗。

地址: 尖沙咀梳士巴利道18

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黃金海岸酒店簡介聯繫電話位置地址 [travel]

黃金海岸酒店Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach離開沙灘只有50米,坐落在布羅德海灘市中心。Sofitel Gold Coast設有295間寬敞且佈置得具有當代風格的客房。所有客房均設有陽台,享有海洋或河流景色,大理石浴室內則備有Roger & Gallet品牌的浴室用品和各種現代設施。

Sofitel酒店步行不遠即可抵達黃金海岸會展中心(Gold Coast Convention Centre),還有各種新增設的設施。您可從酒店乘坐單軌列車前往Jupiter's 賭場。酒店位於Pacific Fair 購物中心對面,該購物中心是南半球最大的購物中心。

酒店名稱:黄金海岸酒店Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach

地址:81 Surfers Parade, 布羅德海灘, 4218 黃金海岸, 澳大利亞 地圖




  • 環境好
  • 服務好
  • 乾淨舒適


方式1 位於Pacific Fair 購物中心對面


  • 綠洲購物中心、Kurrawa 海灘、普拉滕公園、木星賭場、奧拉克爾大道


·       華納兄弟電影世界主題公園

華納兄弟電影世界主題公園(Warner Bros. Movie World)位於澳大利亞昆士蘭州

·       木星賭場

木星賭場(Jupiters Casino)是一個二十四小時營業的賭場

·       黃金海岸夢幻世界主題公園


·       拉丁區城堡博物館


·       黃金海岸Q1大廈360度天空塔Sk...

Q1大廈高達322米,全稱Queensland Number One,是昆士蘭州最高的建築

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非住不可香港康得思酒店 [travel]

這次休假的時候打算帶家人放輕鬆渡假一下,要渡假當然要做點功課,規劃一下行程與住宿,才不會敗興而歸,於是我找到了香港康得思酒店 (Cordis Hong Kong at Langham Place)到了香港康得思酒店 (Cordis Hong Kong at Langham Place)後真的好喜歡,心中暗自慶幸還好有先做功課,價錢上也超優惠,而且聽說這邊是可以全世界訂房,也太方便了吧!!

香港康得思酒店 (Cordis Hong Kong at Langham Place) 的介紹在下面,如果有興趣到這附近玩的,不妨可以看看喔!

Cordis Hong Kong at Langham Place讓商務及休閒的旅客在現代的城市與大自然的景觀中,享有尊爵般的禮遇. 位於香港中心,擁有665間套房,絕對是您的首選。 Cordis Hong Kong at Langham Place,665間客房可提供最現代化的各式先進裝備設施如, 酒吧/酒館, 會議設施, 餐廳, 商業中心. 該飯店的機能設施大致為按摩, 健身房/健身設施, 桑拿 (三溫暖), spa, 室外游泳池. Cordis Hong Kong at Langham Place所有員工都必需接受嚴格的訓練,以達到5-星级 飯店的水平. 讓尊貴的您在香港有賓至如歸的感覺並享受傳統的舒適與現代化的便利. 要繼續進行此Cordis Hong Kong at Langham Place預約,請選擇您的停留日期,並且繼續完成安全的線上訂房表。

  • 住客超過11歲將依照大人標準收費。


  •  提醒您: 加床規定依房型而異,請以各房型的「房型說明」為準。


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香港帝逸酒店介紹電話 [travel]


全新開業的香港帝逸酒店(ALVA HOTEL BY ROYAL) ,位處香港活力文化社區沙田,毗鄰知名地標城門河。酒店提供618間非吸煙客房,當中包括70間公寓。酒店位置便利,距離尖沙咀、中環及香港國際機場僅需3040分鐘車程。酒店提供以客為本的先進科技及創新餐飲選擇,配合輕奢華的時尚生活和酒店款待概念,讓賓客輕鬆探尋獨特的城市脈搏。


香港帝逸酒店聯繫方式酒店電話: +852-36531111



  • 可能需收取加人費用,具體​​費用取決於住宿的政策。
  • 入住時可能需要出示政府核發的身份證件(帶照片)和信用卡、借記卡或繳付現金押金,以便於支付其他雜項的費用
  • 特殊要求視入住時的具體情況而定,可能產生額外的費用。不能保證滿足特殊要求。
  • 入住時用於支付其他雜項的信用卡上的姓名必須與預訂客房時使用的主要姓名相同。
  • 住客須提前聯繫住宿接待方,以預訂嬰兒床和折疊床/加床。
  • 此住宿接待方接受的付款方式:信用卡及現金
  • 此住宿場所採用的安全設施包括:滅火器、煙霧報警器、安全系統和急救包
  • 請注意,文化規範和住客政策可能因國家/地區和住宿而有所不同。列出的政策均由住宿提供。

如果您計劃在午夜00:00過後抵達,請使用預訂確認上的信息預先通知酒店以作安排。住客必須提前聯繫住宿接待方索取入住說明。前台員工將在住客抵達時出面迎接。如需了解詳細信息,請與住宿聯繫;聯繫信息請參閱預訂確認郵件。住客在店內需要接受 COVID-19 的健康排查。住宿可能會在辦理入住前要求住客提供近期旅行記錄文件(如出示蓋有入境印章的護照)和/或填寫健康聲明。顧客辦理入住手續的最低年齡是18歲。敬請注意未滿18周歲的小孩需有成人陪同才可入住。根據酒店通知,防疫期間針對需要隔離檢疫的人士,為保障員工及其他客人安全,將不安排入住。

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香港迪士尼遊玩攻略 [travel]








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香港文華東方酒店,奢華享樂之絕美維多利亞港窗景 [travel]




1963 年開幕至今已有半世紀歷史,去年堂堂舉行盛大隆重的五十週年慶,廣邀中外八百多位名人參與盛宴。酒店於半世紀前的建築之初,是請來香港知名的建築公司 Leigh & Orange  John Howarth 建築師設計建造,而內部裝潢設計則由好萊塢電影藝術總監 Don Ashton 執行。酒店的二十六層高樓建築亦為當年香港最高的大樓,開幕時也有幾項創舉在當時造成轟動,像是全亞洲第一間於每間客房都有一座浴缸的酒店,以及房內都有直播電話,這在五十年前是多麼不可思議的事情。


而延續半世紀的風華,仍然在香港的酒店中位居龍頭。歷經與曼谷東方酒店合併,也在 1985 年正式將酒店命名為文華東方酒店集團 (Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group),酒店的象徵符號──扇子,也是在此時誕生。在此之後,香港文華東方酒店的大事件當屬 2005 年全面翻新整修,於一年後的 2006 9 28 日全新開幕,現在入住的客房都是有別於五十年前的全新客房,融入時尚現代元素,卻又保留傳統文化價值,在新與舊之間達到完美融合。


香港文華東方酒店的 check-in 是在入住房間內辦理,專屬的服務人員會帶領住客來到房間,在填寫完資料之後,服務人員會詳盡為房客解說房內設施。





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5 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Singapore [travel]

Singapore has been described as a playground for the rich, and it's true that the small city-state does have a certain sheen of wealth. But Singapore offers more than just high-end shopping malls, luxury hotels, and fine dining (though it's worth indulging in those a bit if you can). There is also a vibrant history and diverse ethnic quarters to discover, along with many family-friendly attractions and lovely public spaces that make visiting this slightly futuristic city worthwhile.

Singapore has an excellent public transportation system that makes getting around convenient and easy. Once you've gotten a sense of the metro map, you'll have no problem zipping from one part of town to the next. English is spoken everywhere, and signs are in English as well. Singapore Travel Agents,In fact, Singapore is one of the easiest and most comfortable countries to navigate in Southeast Asia. And as long as you're not comparing prices to nearby Thailand or Vietnam, you're in for a lovely stay.

For ideas on things to see and do, read our list of the top attractions in Singapore.

See also: Where to Stay in Singapore

Note: Some businesses may be temporarily closed due to recent global health and safety issues.

1. Marina Bay Sands

The opulent Marina Bay Sands resort complex includes a high-end luxury hotel, a mall with a canal running through it, the ArtScience Museum, and the Marina Bay Sands Skypark Observation Deck—a vantage point for taking in the entire city. The Skypark's viewing deck and infinity pool are found in the ship (yes, ship) that tops the hotel. Only hotel guests are allowed to use the infinity pool, but anyone can visit the observation deck.

From the Skypark, you can see the innovative double helix bridge, the port, the Gardens by the Bay (101 hectares of land converted into waterfront gardens), and the impressive skyline.

While up there on top of the city, guests can grab a snack or a coffee at the rooftop restaurant or pick up some keepsakes from the souvenir stand. You can purchase a photo of yourself green-screened in front of the massive hotel as it's all lit up at night, but the cost is steep at 50 Singapore dollars—better to ask a fellow tourist to snap a photo of you if possible. The elegant opulence of the Marina Bay Sands exemplifies Singapore's style and status as a major international city in Southeast Asia.

Address: 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore

2. Gardens by the Bay

Once you've glimpsed this beautifully designed green space (from the top of the Marina Bay Sands, perhaps) you won't be able to stay away. Wander through the Bay East Garden, perfect for enjoying the vibrant plant life and escaping the city bustle for a moment.

You won't want to miss Supertree Grove, where you'll find a cluster of the iconic, futuristic structures designed to perform environmentally sustainable functions. Then, head to the Cloud Forest Dome to see the world's tallest indoor waterfall and learn a bit about biodiversity. Check the website for ticket sale prices and tour times.

Address: 18 Marina Gardens Drive, Singapore

3. Botanic Gardens

Not to be confused with the Gardens on the Bay, the Botanic Gardens are also worth a visit. Singapore received its first UNESCO World Heritage nomination for its botanical gardens, and with good reason. The city can sometimes feel like a concrete jungle, albeit a clean and comfortable one, but the botanic gardens preserve pieces of Singapore's wilder heritage.

Here, a walking trail leads to the gardens' heritage trees, which are conserved as part of an effort to protect the city's mature tree species. Make sure to visit the impressive National Orchid Garden as well.

Other popular things to do include visiting the eco-garden, eco-lake, bonsai garden, sculptures, and several other formal gardens.

Address: 1 Cluny Road, Singapore

4. Singapore Zoo

Billing itself as the world's best rainforest zoo, the Singapore Zoo is a pretty impressive place. The facility is clean and inviting, and the animals appear well treated, with plenty of lush vegetation and habitat space.

The orangutans are particularly impressive, and visitors can watch as babies and adults alike swing high above their platforms and snack on fruits. There is also a large chimpanzee family, zebras, meerkats, a komodo dragon, mole rats, white tigers, kangaroos, and many other creatures.

Guests can observe feedings for some of the animals. Allow at least three hours to make your way around the zoo.

If the zoo doesn't satisfy your need for getting close to wildlife, there's also the Night Safari, River Safari (including a giant panda forest), and the Jurong Bird Park. Park hopper passes are available if you plan to visit more than one of the wildlife parks.

For a unique and personal wildlife experience, try the Singapore Zoo Breakfast with the Orangutans. This hassle-free tour includes transportation from and to your hotel, allows you half day to explore the zoo, and has an optional upgrade to enjoy breakfast in the company of the zoo's much-loved orangutans.

Address: 80 Mandai Lake Road, Singapore

5. Orchard Road

One could be forgiven for coming to Singapore and doing nothing but shopping, as this is a world-class city for style and designer chic. The Orchard Road area is a great place to start a shopping spree, as there are high-end stores at every turn. You'd expect nothing less from a neighborhood that boasts 22 malls and six department stores. There are also four movie theaters, including an IMAX cinema, and a KTV karaoke establishment.

If you get hungry while burning through all that cash, there are plenty of eateries in the neighborhood serving international food.

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5 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Singapore [travel]

Singapore has been described as a playground for the rich, and it's true that the small city-state does have a certain sheen of wealth. But Singapore offers more than just high-end shopping malls, luxury hotels, and fine dining (though it's worth indulging in those a bit if you can). There is also a vibrant history and diverse ethnic quarters to discover, along with many family-friendly attractions and lovely public spaces that make visiting this slightly futuristic city worthwhile.

Singapore has an excellent public transportation system that makes getting around convenient and easy. Once you've gotten a sense of the metro map, you'll have no problem zipping from one part of town to the next. English is spoken everywhere, and signs are in English as well. Singapore Travel Agents,In fact, Singapore is one of the easiest and most comfortable countries to navigate in Southeast Asia. And as long as you're not comparing prices to nearby Thailand or Vietnam, you're in for a lovely stay.

For ideas on things to see and do, read our list of the top attractions in Singapore.

See also: Where to Stay in Singapore

Note: Some businesses may be temporarily closed due to recent global health and safety issues.

1. Marina Bay Sands

The opulent Marina Bay Sands resort complex includes a high-end luxury hotel, a mall with a canal running through it, the ArtScience Museum, and the Marina Bay Sands Skypark Observation Deck—a vantage point for taking in the entire city. The Skypark's viewing deck and infinity pool are found in the ship (yes, ship) that tops the hotel. Only hotel guests are allowed to use the infinity pool, but anyone can visit the observation deck.

From the Skypark, you can see the innovative double helix bridge, the port, the Gardens by the Bay (101 hectares of land converted into waterfront gardens), and the impressive skyline.

While up there on top of the city, guests can grab a snack or a coffee at the rooftop restaurant or pick up some keepsakes from the souvenir stand. You can purchase a photo of yourself green-screened in front of the massive hotel as it's all lit up at night, but the cost is steep at 50 Singapore dollars—better to ask a fellow tourist to snap a photo of you if possible. The elegant opulence of the Marina Bay Sands exemplifies Singapore's style and status as a major international city in Southeast Asia.

Address: 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore

2. Gardens by the Bay

Once you've glimpsed this beautifully designed green space (from the top of the Marina Bay Sands, perhaps) you won't be able to stay away. Wander through the Bay East Garden, perfect for enjoying the vibrant plant life and escaping the city bustle for a moment.

You won't want to miss Supertree Grove, where you'll find a cluster of the iconic, futuristic structures designed to perform environmentally sustainable functions. Then, head to the Cloud Forest Dome to see the world's tallest indoor waterfall and learn a bit about biodiversity. Check the website for ticket sale prices and tour times.

Address: 18 Marina Gardens Drive, Singapore

3. Botanic Gardens

Not to be confused with the Gardens on the Bay, the Botanic Gardens are also worth a visit. Singapore received its first UNESCO World Heritage nomination for its botanical gardens, and with good reason. The city can sometimes feel like a concrete jungle, albeit a clean and comfortable one, but the botanic gardens preserve pieces of Singapore's wilder heritage.

Here, a walking trail leads to the gardens' heritage trees, which are conserved as part of an effort to protect the city's mature tree species. Make sure to visit the impressive National Orchid Garden as well.

Other popular things to do include visiting the eco-garden, eco-lake, bonsai garden, sculptures, and several other formal gardens.

Address: 1 Cluny Road, Singapore

4. Singapore Zoo

Billing itself as the world's best rainforest zoo, the Singapore Zoo is a pretty impressive place. The facility is clean and inviting, and the animals appear well treated, with plenty of lush vegetation and habitat space.

The orangutans are particularly impressive, and visitors can watch as babies and adults alike swing high above their platforms and snack on fruits. There is also a large chimpanzee family, zebras, meerkats, a komodo dragon, mole rats, white tigers, kangaroos, and many other creatures.

Guests can observe feedings for some of the animals. Allow at least three hours to make your way around the zoo.

If the zoo doesn't satisfy your need for getting close to wildlife, there's also the Night Safari, River Safari (including a giant panda forest), and the Jurong Bird Park. Park hopper passes are available if you plan to visit more than one of the wildlife parks.

For a unique and personal wildlife experience, try the Singapore Zoo Breakfast with the Orangutans. This hassle-free tour includes transportation from and to your hotel, allows you half day to explore the zoo, and has an optional upgrade to enjoy breakfast in the company of the zoo's much-loved orangutans.

Address: 80 Mandai Lake Road, Singapore

5. Orchard Road

One could be forgiven for coming to Singapore and doing nothing but shopping, as this is a world-class city for style and designer chic. The Orchard Road area is a great place to start a shopping spree, as there are high-end stores at every turn. You'd expect nothing less from a neighborhood that boasts 22 malls and six department stores. There are also four movie theaters, including an IMAX cinema, and a KTV karaoke establishment.

If you get hungry while burning through all that cash, there are plenty of eateries in the neighborhood serving international food.

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GoToトラベルキャンペーンとは? [travel]

対象旅行商品はGo To トラベル事業に参加登録している旅行代理店や旅行予約サイト等で、予約するパッケージツアーなど、宿泊と交通機関がセットになった旅行商品が対象です。個人で交通機関・宿泊を個別手配する場合は、宿泊施設がGo To トラベル事業に参加登録していれば宿泊料金のみ対象となります。
ご予約方法に関して、店舗またはお電話でできます。もちろん、インターネットやアプリでのご予約も可能です。トリップドットコムでもGo Toトラベル事業に参加登録しており、ご利用する際に、Go Toトラベル

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